Ron Carúpano’s Ritual

Mise en Place

• Cut the lemon in sixths. For hygiene and comfort, place a skewer stick of medium height (preferably) on the top part of the lemon (or the peel) and not on the white part of the lemon
• Granulated raw sugar
• Dark chocolate between 60% -75% cocoa, grated
• Shot or wine glass (70%) rallado
• Your Ron Carúpano of choice

Step by step, to enjoy it the most:

• Take a sixth of the lemon, by the skewer stick
• On one side of the lemon, place plenty of granulated raw sugar and on the other side, plenty of grated dark chocolate
• Serve half an ounce of Ron Carúpano in a shot or wine glass
• Explain to the guest that he/she must bite the lemon to squeeze the juices in the mouth along with the raw sugar and chocolate, but should not immediately swallow
• Then, invite him/her to take the “shot” of Ron Carúpano and mix all the elements in the mouth to maximize the experience and taste all the flavors present • At this point, the client can swallow and thus finish the Ron Carúpano Ritual